Atlantští mistři riffu se chystají na vydání EP „Cold Dark Place“ a k písni „Toe To Toes“ si připravili další video. Nejedná se však o ztřeštěnou kaskádu narážek v šíleném prostředí, jako třeba poslední klip k „Steambreather“, ale upřímnou výpověď o práci ve studii.
I tak ale ve videu tu a tam probleskují momenty absurdity a specifického humoru. Kytarista Brent Hinds blbne jen ve spodním prádle a bubeník Brann Dailor bubnuje v masce gremlina. Prostě další normální den ze života MASTODON.
„Toe to Toes“ text: I have seen this once before I have felt these colors I have known you for so long When we ran in circles For our sake I will wait for you I walk alone, into the darkness I came toe to toe and face to face with the beast He knew me by my name, it was surprising He knew everything about me that I despised I have seen this once before I have felt these colors I have known you for so long When we ran in circles He had gold and he had silver He had all the women and wine that you'd ever need Just one thing, a prick of your finger Spell your name in the sand and do it with your own blood Bitten by the fangs of circumstance Outward light a reflection We are all equal Underneath the slab of material Mutable ways of my fortune Bitten by my fangs Gave me a smile, gave me a whisper Lay me down in linens to watch me sleep I played the fool I played the sinner I played the part of me that no one wanted to see